September in Review

September in Review

September 2010 has come and gone. Up here in Seattle it was a beautiful month to be outdoors and enjoying the natural resources that this area has to offer. Its’ claimed this was the coolest September on record since Eisenhower was in office (or something like that), but we wouldn’t know since we’ve been here only a year. We took advantage of the weather and did a few hikes in the area



Laura and Autumn had the pleasure to join me on a business trip to Chicago last week. After being with FEMA for a little over year, spending 50 nights on the road, and traveling almost 40,000+ air miles, it was nice to have family come along for the ride. Chicago was our destination because the annual FEMA Mitigation Planners Workshop was held here this year.  This was my second visit to Chicago this year, Laura and Autumn’s first ever, and it was a great visit to the Windy City.

“But wait! Where was Ethan?”

Aerial Views of the Great State of Washington (Video)

Aerial Views of the Great State of Washington (Video)

As Laura and I prepare to fly to Chicago this week, I’d like to share a video I made from my flight a week ago to Seattle from Maryland. This is a short video showing some of the views of Washington State as we fly east to west and land at Seattle-Tacoma airport. There are some great views of Mount Rainier and surrounding area. This was filmed on a BlackBerry so don’t expect much from it.

Labor Day Weekend Activities

Labor Day Weekend Activities

What a week it was post and throughout Labor Day weekend. Laura, Ethan, and Autumn spent the week in McMinnville with her family. Laura connected with family and friends while Ethan had great experiences gardening, helping with the horses, playing outside a ton, visiting family, and riding his favorite his horse Norm with his Grandpa!

I spent the week in Maryland for training where I enjoyed a healthy dose of Waffle House biscuits and gravy, watched a DC United soccer match, and had a spectacular view of Mount Rainier on my airplane ride home.