Wrestlemania’s Best Match: Steamboat vs. Savage

Wrestlemania’s Best Match: Steamboat vs. Savage

I lived for this stuff throughout my junior high and early high school years. I collected the magazines, videos, trading cards, action figures, and more. I watched the Saturday morning WWF shows and Saturday Night’s Main Event religiously. All the money earned from my newspaper route in junior high went straight to Hulk Hogan, British Bulldogs, and Ms. Elizabeth memorabilia. Of course now I’ve sold all of it through CraigsList, but that’s besides the point. It was fake, but entertaining; repetitive, but engaging; outrageous, yet hilarious. That’s why I think the match between Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat and Randy “The Macho Man”Savage was one of the best in wrestling entertainment.

As a kid watching Wrestlemania III in 1987, there were plenty of matches to be excited about: Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant, The British Bulldogs and Tito Santana vs. The Hart Foundation and Danny Davis. or Rowdy Piper vs Adrian Adonis. But it was this match that was truly about entertaining the crowd with theatrics, high-flying acrobats, and more.