How do you teach your kids about planning? And I’m not talking about party planning.

Most of you know that I work in the planning profession. Specifically, I’m involved in parks and natural resource planning. The funny thing is that I wasn’t aware of the value or the profession of planning until I was in my 20’s. I believe my Peace Corps experience made me realize the value of civic engagement and that citizens need be involved in the development of their neighborhoods, which is one aspect of planning.

What’s on your RSS feed?

WARNING: Computer Nerd Alert!

As information inquirers, Laura and I read The Oregonian on a daily basis. While Ethan yacks away and plays with his oatmeal each morning, we share the front page and discuss the local news. It’s a great way to learn a little more about our community and the world we live in.

But for many of us out there, the morning newspaper just doesn’t cut it. We need MORE information. Not just any ‘ol information, but information that is up-to-date, relevant to our interests, and easy to access. This is why I love Really Simple Syndication or RSS feeds.