Autumn – Day 1

Autumn's First Day
Autumn at just a few hours old
Autumn's First Day
Autumn at just a few hours old

Today has been a great day for our family. We’ve had the pleasure to meet Autumn and she’s wonderful. Ethan was very excited to finally have his sister arrive, and Laura was excited to finally have Autumn out of her belly! It was a very exciting day.






  1. David & Eloise Barshes

    Dear Brett and Laura~ Shnorhavor! Thanks for sharing your great news and amazing photos – Autumn is beautiful, and we are very happy that she and Laura are healthy 🙂 Ethan is definitely thrilled about his new kid sister – good times to come, for sure! Congratulations again to you and your families ~David and Eloise

  2. phil

    Dude, you’ll have to change your Title page to include Autumn! Congrats to you both and it looks like Ethan is already enjoying being a big bro’.

    • Phil,

      We’re about 5 months late but we finally added Autumn’s name to the Holt Family marquee. Now if only we can this website updated.

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