Ethan’s First Radio Flyer Wagon Ride

Ethan Holt and his Radio Flyer Wagon
Ethan Holt takes his first ride in a Radio Flyer!
Ethan Holt and his Radio Flyer Wagon
Ethan Holt takes his first ride in a Radio Flyer!

We haven’t posted a video in quite some time so we thought you’d enjoy this one. Ethan had his first birthday a couple weeks ago. Laura and I gave him a Radio Flyer wagon which we just received today. I put it together and away we went. Ethan had a great time being able to have a 360 degree view, which the stroller did not allow. We all look forward to many years of fun with the Radio Flyer.






  1. Jessica

    Very cute!
    My turn next. 🙂

  2. Grandma Lynda

    What a lucky little boy! Cute too!

  3. You’re right about the wheels Jason. There is the original Radio Flyer which has smaller wheels and a lower side. We decided to go with the Radio Flyer ATW (All Terrain Wagon) with larger wheels and higher sides to prevent some of the tipping. It’s a great toy that we’re sure will let his imagination run wild!!!!

  4. This is great! Is it just me or does the radio flyer wagon have much bigger wheels than it did when we were kids. Mine always tipped over as a kid because the wheels were too small.

    He really enjoy it! We can’t get over how quickly he is changing. Thanks for sharing!

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